Covens - Study Groups - Community
of the Illuminated Shadow: (Eclectic) Website
E-mail Meets in Price Hill in Cincinnati
at "The Occult Shop" on Sundays. See website for further information.
Degarrin:(Wiccan-based religious order) Email Website Contact: Rev. Kai Brockman or Rev. Angela Clementi
Y Tywyth Tulluan: (Celtic) Website contact Maeve Priestess
O.O.T.N.S.R.:(Eclectic) Website "Order of the Night Star Rising, Midwest Chapter". We are an Eclectic group studying all paths of Wicca, Ascension Mastery, Light Work, Incan and Peruvian Mysteries. Meeting inFairfield, OH.
Rev. Sonya: Eclectic/Gothic, Enochian, Wiccan, etc. Owenton,
Kentucky. Collective traditions of Witches coming together to
get to know each other and learn about new things together. A cyber-coven is
offered as well as on-line membership forms to those who wish to join our local
coven for esbats and sabbats. Details on web site. We also offer guidance to
people of all ages who have questions and are seeking answers. Healing and prayer
circles are also formed to those who request it.
E-mail - Website
Oaken Circle Grove: Hello we are the Oaken Circle grove
of Northern Ky. We
just started in Novemeber 2001. We are an independant affiliate of the MOCC
(Missionary Order of the Celtic Cross) , the mother grove was formed in 1983.Sherry
our archdruidess is ordained to perform legal handfastings in Ky , ordained
by the ULC. If you are interested in our grove please email us, or check out
our webpage. hope to hear from you. E-mail
Study Groups:
NightSky: St. Bernard. Dianic/Ecclectic/Wiccan/Witch.
Solitary Dianic Witch would like to network with other Dianic Witches for purposes
of possibly meeting for the Sabbats and eventually forming a working Coven.
There are requirements- please inquire through e-mail.
Ingrun & Madrigal: Cincinnati Ohio. We are an Asatru kindred committed providing a comfortable atmosphere where all may worship the Deities freely, in the Germanic tradition. E-Mail Website
Kindred Spirits Hearth: (Asatru)Website contact: Webmaster
The Occult Shop: Classes on all Pagan paths including Wicca, Paganism, Ceremonial Magick, Psychic Instruction, Spiritual development, History, Voodoo, Ritual Construction, Spell Craft and much more! Website Contact: Rev. Banshee
The Rowan Circle: Offers counseling, pagan parenting and much more! Rev. Rowan Elizabeth
Community: Organization: Middletown,
Ohio. The Pagan Organization for Wicca's Eternal Rebirth (P.O.W.E.R.netŠ) and
its Members are dedicated to preserving the Religious and GLBT Rights of persons
who follow the Pagan, Wiccan, Buddhist, Hindu, Egyptian, Native American, and
Celtic Shamanist Religious Paths. Our primary goal is to educate and enlighten
those who lack understanding, are intolerant, or are misinformed about Paganism
and Alternate Lifestyles. We work together to dispell the myths and stereotypes
held by uneducated minds in our society. We foster Unity among our Brothers
and Sisters upon Mother Earth to bring peace and harmony into the World.
Ellen Parker: Hosts seasonal rituals. Find out about her E-mailing
C.U.U.P.S.: website contact: Bobbye
Dark Moon Circle: website Meets at the Dark of the Moon. Contact: Foxydot
The Occult Shop: website Full Moon gatherings and high pagan holiday rituals. We also organize Parties and Festivals. Contact: Rev. Banshee
Green Dome Temple: website contact: GDT
Ohio Healers Circle: contact: Selene
website Founded
Feb.1.2001,a group for healers of all paths,from the Ohio,Kentucky,Indiana areas.
To provide a forum for healing, teaching and service to the community, public
at large. Requests/petitions/can be posted/made to the elist or at the Ohio
Healers Circle meetings. The O.H.C is for adults only, childern 15 and older
are permitted with parent/s must sign a release form. Meetings are free and
held once monthly, at Mt.Echo Park,4:30pm-6:00pm,on the Sunday nearest the Fullmoon,
location Cincinnati Ohio.